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Let's Talk
Marketing Audit
Personal Information
Company Name
Email Address
Company Information
Tell us about your company’s vision
What is your company’s core competency?
(something your company is really good at ie. engagement, R&D, marketing, pivoting, etc)
Tell us About your Team
Tell us about your Marketing Team.
(Roles and responsibilities, are they in-house, contractors, or part of a 3rd party agency
Do you have access to the following resources?
Web Developers
Creative Director
Graphic Designers
Media Buyers
Full Funnel Marketers
What are the strengths of your sales and marketing teams?
Goals / Challenges
Tell us about your sales goals for the next 6-12 months.
Do you have any goals for list growth over the next 6-12 months?
Describe any goals you would like to achieve within the next 3-12 months that are either tech-related or dependent upon improving your marketing.
What was your primary motivation for contacting our team?
Have you ever worked with an agency? What worked well for you? What hasn’t?
Product / Sales
What is the most important product / top few most important products that you sell?
What problem does your product/service solve?
What is your unique selling proposition?
What objections do you frequently hear from prospects?
Do you have a strong customer base?
Who are your biggest competitors?
What differentiates you from your competitors?
What is your target market? What is an ideal customer? What are some interests they might share?
Marketing / Advertising
Explain your marketing strategy?
If your company is really good at one thing from a marketing perspective, what is it?
How do you compete in your market- are you lower cost, better performance, unique offering?
What are your marketing goals for the next 3-9 months?
Please list all websites, funnel URLs, etc. that are relevant for us to review.
What are your primary sources of traffic?
How many email subscribers do you have?
Tell us about your Marketing Team.
(How often do you mail them, what is the nature of the content, etc)
Have you run any marketing or advertising campaigns in the past? What worked well and why do you think it succeeded? What didn’t work and why do you think it failed?
Please list all tools you’re using in your marketing tech stack and what you primarily use them for
(e.g. CRMs, Pipeline management tools, etc)
What framework(s) are your web pages currently built-in?
(e.g. WordPress, Clickfunnels, HTML/CSS, LeadPages, etc)
Data / Analytics
How do you track results? (e.g. Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, WickedReports, etc)
Where does the data come from?
Is your data accurate? Do you trust it?
What metrics are being tracked and used for optimization and calculation of ROI (Metrics for success)?
What additional KPI’s are important to you?